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CRIBIQ's 15th Annual General Assembly

28th September, 2023
Hôtel Château Laurier, Québec City (1220 Pl. George-V Ouest, Québec City QC G1R 5B8)

CRIBIQ's 15th Annual General Assembly

The CRIBIQ will hold its 15th Annual General Assembly on September 28, 2023 at the Hôtel Château Laurier, in Québec City, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.

This event will be a privileged opportunity to be heard, to exchange and to influence the decisions of the consortium by exercising your right to vote. Thus, your participation is essential to ensure the fair representation of our members and to guarantee the legitimacy of the decisions that will be taken during the Assembly.

CONFERENCE! This year, the CRIBIQ will be welcoming its prestigious guest Stéphane Simard, certified human resources advisor, to its AGM to discuss practices for mobilizing and generating commitment in intergenerational work teams. The author of ten books translated into four languages, including the best-seller Generating Commitment at Work, will offer members attending the AGM tools to ensure better management of human capital.

The CRIBIQ also invites you to enjoy a generously provided lunch, courtesy of the CRIBIQ.

Preliminary agenda

  1. Opening of the Assembly
  2. Verification of the quorum
  3. Adoption of the agenda
  4. Adoption of the General Assembly minutes of June 22, 2022
  5. Presentation of the Chairman of the Board and the President-CEO's report
  6. Presentation of the audited financial statements
  7. Election of the Board members
  8. Conference Generation Clash... Really? by Stéphane Simard CHRP, CSP
  9. Appointment of the auditors
  10. Varia
  11. Adjournment of the Assembly

*To exercise your right to vote, you must be a member in good standing of the CRIBIQ and be designated as a delegate of your organisation. In the event that you are unable to attend the meeting, it is possible to delegate another person from your organisation to represent you. You just have to fill in the Form for the nomination of a substitute and send a signed copy to:

Daniela Bernic, Secretary of the Corporation
418 914-1608 ext. 206

Log in to your member account before registering.